Third-Party Validation

Safety, Quality, and Consistency
In the construction industry, third-party qualifications give you the confidence that the construction partner you choose is meeting or exceeding compliance standards. Knowing how we perform on safety, insurance, and financial measures allows your company to mitigate risk. The strong customer relationships Humble Construction maintains are based on our proven above-industry-standards compliance performance.
At Humble Construction safety isn’t about avoiding fines or maintaining a positive reputation. It’s about people. It’s about creating a safe work environment for our employees and our clients to send everyone home at night exactly the way they arrived on the jobsite.
To ensure we’re exceeding the highest safety standards in the industry, we maintain a relationship with four compliance consultants. Each company performs deep-dive evaluations of our health and safety programs. As active compliance network members, our current and future customers can be assured that we always know where our current safety efforts stand, how to maintain those efforts, and how to continue improving.
These industry compliance consultants include:
- ISNetworld helps manage risk and strengthens relationships between customers and contractors with reliable, data-driven information. Recently, Humble’s two-year sustained A+ safety rating earned us the exceptional ISN RAVS Plus.
- VEROS Systems is a flexible and customizable safety data management, which generates key compliance data through a construction company’s current technology. This allows customers to see Humble’s specific in safety programs and achievements.
- Avetta enables and verifies ongoing environmental, social, and financial performance, helping companies build a strong and diverse supplier base – all on a global scale.
- Veriforce helps us identify gaps in safety compliance and areas of safety improvement to ensure our safety compliance is always above the industry standards. As a member of Veriforce, Humble is able to proactively work toward improved safety every day.
Consistently Exceeding Safety Standards
Through our dedicated safety efforts, Humble Construction has maintained well-above industry standard safety performance:
Days Away, Restricted or Transferred (DART)
- Industry standard: 1.1
- Humble: 0 (3-year average: 0.716)
Experience Modification Rate (EMR)
- Industry standard: 1.0
- Humble: 0.56 (3-year average: 0.52)
Lost Workday Rate (LWR)
- Industry standard: 0.6
- Humble: 0 (3-year average: 0)
Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)
- Industry standard: 1.9
- Humble: 0 (3-year average: 0.716)
- Industry standard: 1 of 5 workers
- Humble: 0
A++ Insurance Qualifications
The insurance limits a construction company carries determines the level of risk you can mitigate. Humble provides you with the greatest peace of mind by remaining compliant with all insurance requirements, including standards set by Fortune 500 companies. We do this by maintaining our relationship with an A++ certified insurance company and purchasing liability limits far above the industry standard.
To ensure we’re preserving a high level of protection, our compliance consultants collect and review our insurance and other procurement-related documents. This includes:
- Certificates of Insurance
- Workers’ Compensation Experience Modifier
- Workers’ Compensation Clearance Account Status
- Workers’ Compensation Rate Statements
- Companies House/Business Registration
- Supplier Diversity Certificates
Their review of our insurance qualifications prevents us from ever having any insurance gaps. With the highest level of transparency, Humble upholds our promise to maintain the levels of insurance needed to keep your projects protected.
Financial Strength & Stability
The financial state of a construction company is a key point of evaluation for any project, but especially large ones. Humble provides the necessary documentation to compliance consultants to assure all current and prospective clients that we have the financial stability to handle your project.
Humble Construction sustains a high-level bonding capacity in excess of $25 million. Our goal in preserving this level of bond is to safeguard all of our customers from any project disruptions or financial losses.
A Note About Quality
In addition to meeting the highest compliance standards, Humble is an AISC Certified Steel Member and American Concrete Institute Member. These memberships verify that we consistently meet or exceed quality standards in both steel and concrete work as defined by each organization’s standards.
Give us a call to discuss how our safety, insurance, and financial compliance records can help mitigate risk and ensure your next project is a success.